IFLA SCO WG - student Competition working group members


Mahdi Khansefid

Chair of the Student Competition Working Group

Mahdi Khansefid, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the University of Tehran with degrees in landscape engineering and environmental design from the University of Tehran and the University of Melbourne. Mahdi has published papers in Urban Ecosystems, the International Journal of Environmental Research, the Landscape Record of Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, as well as in magazines, journals, and bulletins but also a number international, regional, and national conferences proceedings. Since 2001, he has been an active member of the ISLAP - Iranian Society of Landscape Professions and joined the editorial board of Green Message, the Society's magazine. Based on his experience at Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, he currently serves as a member of the steering council and secretary of the cultural and educational committee on green management of the University of Tehran, with commitments to further extending sustainability considerations to every aspect of the academic environment. Also, Mahdi has recently been commissioned to work on the new City of Tehran Green Space Plan with a multi-disciplinary team of experts.