Credit; Harry Butler, Australia
The working group is involved with two projects:
Definition of Profession of Landscape Architects
International Recognition of Profession
Topic: Definition of Profession of Landscape Architects
The project group has worked out an international definition of the Profession of Landscape Architects in close cooperation with the International Labour organisation (ILO). Because the update of the only worldwide existing definition of the profession will last until end of the twenties, IFLA decided to publish the new definition approved at the the World Council 2020. The definition is on the IFLA website.
The actual tasks are
Translation into more languages. All translations will be on the IFLA world and IFLA Europe website. In February 2022 official translations in French, Spanish, German and Chinese. Arabic, Portuguese and Italian translations are in the final stage.
Implementation of the definition on national level.
There is a suggested roadmap for national associations to use as a guide to developing new translations and the implementation. It is possible to download the roadmap here.
Members of the project group: Definition of Profession of Landscape Architects
James Hayter (Asia)
Jala Makhzoumi (Middle-East)
Carey Duncan (Africa)
Carlos Jankilevich (Americas)
Karin Helms (Europe)
Fritz Auweck (Chairman)
Topic: International Recognition of Profession
The project starts with the results of the document from Andreja Tutundzic and Marina Cervera from 2019 presented to the World Council in Oslo.
The content is very complex. In the document different themes are proposed:
Bilateral Mutual recognition by agreements between NA
Assistance to individual migration
IFLA recognition of existing accreditation bodies
Professional recognition for individuals by international excellence
The project group will focus on the professional aspects because educational aspects are done in the education committee.
Members of the project group: International Recognition of Profession
Carey Duncan (Africa Region)
Didier Vancutsem (Europe Region)
Zeena Al Ja'ja' (Middle East Region)
Valentina Hidalgo Montoya (Americas Region)
Pamela Sarunya Pagana (Asia Pacific Region)
Advisors: Marina Cervera, Andreja Tutundzic, James Hayer and Matt Miller
Fritz Auweck (Chairman)
The next steps are to identify the members and to set up a roadmap for activities in 2022 and 2023.