Patricia O'Donnell receives 'Crowninshield Award for "superlative achievement in the field of historic preservation"
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National Preservation Awards Showcase the Leaders in Preservation
Patricia M. O’Donnell, Preservation Landscape Architect and Planner, of Charlotte, Vermont, USA receives the Crowninshield Lifetime Achievement Award in Preservation
Patricia M. O’Donnell, a Charlotte, Vermont landscape architect and planner was honored with the Louise du Pont Crowninshield Award for Lifetime Achievement during the National Preservation Awards Ceremony on the evening of Thursday, November 4. This pinnacle recognition from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, was presented to ODonnell for her “indisputable evidence of superlative achievement in the preservation and interpretation of our heritage.”
O’Donnell is a nationally and internationally recognized landscape architect and planner. As noted at the ceremony Thursday evening, her “pioneering work over the past 40 years helped to establish the field of cultural landscape preservation in the United States and has continued to expand it by combining scholarship with the holistic stewardship of public places. … her current focus on climate change action, sustainability, accessibility, and inclusion demonstrate that she continues to be a powerful force for innovation in her cultural landscape practice.” Patricia O’Donnell is the first professional landscape architect recognized with the Louise du Pont Crowninshield Award in its more than sixty-year history.
Paul Edmondson, president and CEO of the National Trust for Historic Preservation said “This year’s PastForward theme is Lead the Change, and our award recipients truly are doing just that for particular places and for the national preservation movement. It is an honor to present the Louise du Pont Crowninshield Award for Lifetime Achievement to Patricia M. O’Donnell for the important work she is doing both nationally and internationally.” Her contribution to the National Park Service committees set national standards for how we steward the layered richness of our cultural landscapes, and she played key leadership roles in the creation of both the documentation-focused Historic American Landscape Survey and the advocacy-oriented Cultural Landscape Foundation.
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In 1987, O’Donnell founded her pioneering firm, Heritage Landscapes, which has completed over 600 cultural landscape preservation planning and implementation projects. Her portfolio includes hundreds of places listed on the National Register of Historic Places, 40 National Historic Landmarks, and 8 World Heritage Sites. This important accolade follows the American Society of Landscape Architects Firm Award presented to Heritage Landscapes in 2019. Founder and Partner of Heritage Landscapes LLC, in Norwalk CT and Charlotte VT, O’Donnell has aided in documenting, preserving and revitalizing the landscape heritage projects on throughout the USA and around the globe since 1987.
O’Donnell’s current endeavors focus on climate change action, sustainability, accessibility, and inclusion demonstrate that she continues to be a powerful force for innovative in her cultural landscape practice.
Contact Patricia O’Donnell at:
office 802-425-4330
The Crowninshield event was part of PastForward Online 2021 awards, Crowninshield is minute 48 to end, video viewable on YouTube here.
Mellon Square Modernist masterpiece as completed 2014
The 2021 National Preservation Award Winners:
Louise du Pont Crowninshield Award for Lifetime Achievement: Patricia M. O’Donnell, PLA, FASLA, AICP, Fellow US/ICOMOS, Charlotte, Vermont
American Express Aspire Award: Jordan Ryan, Indianapolis, Indiana
Trustees’ Award for Organizational Excellence: WeGOJA Foundation, Statewide, South Carolina
The National Trust/Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Award for Federal Partnerships in Historic Preservation: Black Officers Club, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
The John H. Chafee Trustees Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Policy: U.S. House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (SC-06), South Carolina
The Trustees Emeritus Award for Historic Site Stewardship: China Alley Preservation Society, Hanford, California
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, Washington, DC
Moynihan Train Hall, New York, New York
Milwaukee Soldiers Home, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
About the National Trust
The National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privately funded nonprofit organization, works to save America’s historic places to enrich our future.
About PastForward
PastForward is the annual conference of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, November 2-5, attracting thousands of people passionate about saving places. Attendees include preservationists, advocates and architects, city planners and historic site directors, students and elected officials, commissioners, and main street directors. This year’s theme is Lead the Change, focusing on the topics of promoting equity and justice through historic preservation, adapting to a changing climate, and sharpening essential practices of preservation.
The National Preservation Awards, presented annually at the PastForward Conference, are bestowed on distinguished individuals, nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and corporations whose skill and determination have given new meaning to their communities through preservation of our architectural and cultural heritage. These efforts include citizen attempts to save and maintain important landmarks; companies and craftsmen whose work restores the richness of the past; the vision of public officials who support preservation projects and legislation in their communities; and educators and journalists who help Americans understand the value of preservation.
Awards in seven categories were presented during this year’s ceremony, including the Louise du Pont Crowninshield Award, the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation National Preservation Awards, the American Express Aspire Award, the NTHP/ACHP Award for Federal Partnerships in Historic Preservation, the Trustees’ Award for Organizational Excellence, the Trustees Emeritus Award for Historic Site Stewardship, and the John H. Chafee Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Policy.
You can see Patricias award at 48 minutes in the video here.