IFLA World Council 2019
The IFLA World Council comprising members of the Executive Committee and the duly appointed representatives of our 77 member associations met over the last two days to discuss important topics ranging from Climate Change to the governance of our federation.
The 2 day agenda was built around 5 key themes and also included an address by our President James Hayter, reports by Presidents of our 5 regions as well as Chairs of IFLA Committees.
The key sessions:
Climate Change - Led by Dr Colleen Mercer-Clarke, Climate Change Working Group Chair and Hope Parnham Climate Change Working Group Co-Chair.
Ethics and Code of Practice - Introduced by Marina Cervera Committee Chair and led by Dan Cook, CEO of LI alongside Sarah Loutfi and Karin Barthelmes-Wehr.
Education Recognition - Led by Salma Samaha, EAA Chair Committee and Andreja Tutundjic, EAR Working Group Chair.
Community Involvement and Participation - Led by Bruno Marques.
Governance and Reform - Led by Tim Arnold, AILA CEO.
Presentations will be loaded at the bottom of this page as they are released.
The World Council was hosted NMBU and supported by our member association NLA, the organisers of this years 2019 World Congress. The beautiful campus at NMBU provided an inspiring setting and even allowed some of the break-out sessions to be held outside.
The meeting was devised and led by members of IFLAs Executive Committee. L-R Tony Williams, President IFLA Europe; Salma Samaha, Chair EAA committee; Jeremy Dennis, IFLA Treasurer; Monica Pallares, Chair CER Committee; James Hayter, IFLA President; Carey Duncan, President IFLA Africa; Ricardo Riveros, President IFLA Americas; Marina Cervera, Chair PPP Committee and Damian Tang, Chair IFLA Asia-Pacific