IFLA launches call for Director of SGJA Secretariat
CJ Blossom Park by PARKKIM
Today IFLA has launched a call for the Director of Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award (SGJA) Secretariat.
The IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award is the highest honour that the International Federation of Landscape Architects can bestow upon a landscape architect. The Award recognises a living landscape architect whose lifetime achievements and contributions have had a unique and lasting impact on the welfare of society and the environment and on the promotion of the profession of landscape architecture. The award is bestowed annually on an individual whose work and achievements merit this recognition.
At the IFLA 2020 World Council delegates approved the creation of a new ‘IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award in Landscape Architecture Secretariat,’ (SGJA Secretariat) which is answerable directly to the IFLA President (replacing the Nominations Committee) to oversee the changes and management of the Award.
The Secretariat will be headed by a Director nominated by the President and endorsed by the World Council for one 4-year term. The Director will be responsible for the overall curation of the award. The two other voting members of the secretariat will be appointed by the President.
Find out more about what this role involves and how to apply in the pack here.
Deadline for applications is Thursday 14th January 2021 and 17.00 CEST (Brussels Time).