Call for papers for the first edition of AJLA, a new initiative of IFLA Africa
Freedom Park. Aerial view (photo courtesy of Graham Young; retrieved from a downed drone, owner unknown)
Call for papers for the first edition of AJLA, a new initiative of IFLA Africa.
Veuillez trouver ci-joint l'appel à papiers pour le premier numéro de l'AJLA, une nouvelle initiative de l'IFLA Afrique.
Papers may be in English or French.
Les articles peuvent être en anglais ou en français
Please distribute it through your respective networks.
Merci de diffuser
Submissions are to be sent to "The Editor" at the following address:
Envoyer vos papiers à
The theme for the first edition is ICONIC LANDSCAPES; subject matter is not limited to Africa, but lessons learnt must be applicable to the continent .
La thématique pour cette première edition est PAYSAGES ICONIQUES; le matériel pas limité à l'Afrique, mais doit avoir des leçons applicable au continent
About the Journal:
The African Journal of Landscape Architecture (AJLA) came about because of a perceived need for an authoritative journal on landscape architecture that can serve the profession as well as the needs of academia. AJLA is the official journal of IFLA Africa and is committed to stimulating content that promotes an extensive understanding of the field of landscape architecture across the African continent.
Mission of the Journal:
· to promote and enhance the education and practice of landscape architecture, with an emphasis on Africa;
· to provide critical discourse and relevant research, with opportunities for both general and peer-reviewed articles;
· to be cross-disciplinary, encouraging dialogue with related disciplines;
· to promote the purpose, aims and ambition of the African Landscape Convention.
AJLA is an e-journal to facilitate broad circulation among all interested parties, and notably the member associations of IFLA Africa. Two issues are initially planned per year with each issue having a particular theme.
Editorial Panel:
AJLA is guided by an Editorial Panel drawn from IFLA member countries in Africa, currently composed of the following professionals and academics:
Mr Graham Young (South Africa) PrLArch BL, ML Chairman, Co-editor
Mr Bernard Oberholzer (South Africa) PrLArch, BArch, MLA Co-editor
Prof Tunji Adejumo (Nigeria) BA, ML, PhD
Ms Carey Duncan (Morocco) PrLArch, MRTPI, BSc(TRP), MRP, MLA
Dr Ida Breed (South Africa) PrLArch BL, ML, PhD
Dr Dennis Karanja (Kenya) BA, ML, PhD
Ms Aziza Busser (Ethiopia) BA, ML, PhD Candidate
Patrons and Sponsors:
IFLA is currently a patron of the Journal. Additional patrons and sponsors are invited to contact the editors at