Landscape Middle East Awards - Sustainability and Accessibility - Riyadh 2024
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Landscape Middle East Awards - Sustainability and Accessibility - Riyadh 2024

Landscape Middle East Awards - Sustainability and Accessibility - Riyadh 2024

Honoring visionaries, designers, and organizations that have made significant strides in creating sustainable landscapes, enhancing urban environments, and preserving our natural heritage.

Read about the shortlisted schemes here.

Winners will be announced by SARAJ Venue, 20th November 2024

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20th International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH), hosted by the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) in Marrakesh, Morocco
to Nov 21

20th International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH), hosted by the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) in Marrakesh, Morocco

  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the 20th International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH), hosted by the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) in Marrakesh, Morocco from 18 - 21 November, 2024.

ICUH is the premier global gathering for interdisciplinary professionals, researchers, policymakers, and community advocates dedicated to improving urban health worldwide.

This year's theme, "A Healthier Horizon: Activating Urban Health Strategies for a Climate Resilient Tomorrow," could not be more critical for the future of urban health in Africa and across the world. Engage with world-leading experts as we explore innovative models of city policy, development and design that foster holistic health, wellbeing and equity for all.

At ICUH 2024, you will:

  1. Connect with a unique, global network of leaders striving to make cities healthier, more equitable, and environmentally sustainable.

  2. Uncover transformative, evidence-based solutions for pressing urban challenges, from mental health to climate change justice.

  3. Learn how to bridge the gaps between research, policy, and practice, mobilizing resources to shape cities that support health and equity today and for future generations.

Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to drive change and make a lasting impact in cities across the globe. Be part of the movement—join us at ICUH 2024!

More here.

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International Conference on Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagoggy
9:30 AM09:30

International Conference on Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagoggy

IFLA is pleased to announce new Zoom webinar on the search to keep the global debate on landscape architecture education alive and proactive. 

IFLA International Webinar Conference on Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagogy.

A Zoom Webinar organized by the IFLA Education and Academic Affairs Committee, Student Competition Working Group Chair.

Monday, November 18th, 2024. - Starting time: 9:30 a.m. (GMT)

The symposium aims to explore landscape architecture education and pedagogy today, show regional differences, and highlight the need for international dialogue to benefit the discipline. As landscape architecture programs face contemporary socio-environmental challenges regionally, they are evolving away from outdated modern standards. Furthermore, the rise of digital tools, such as GIS, AI, 3D modeling and rendering tools appropriate for landscape equip education and research with possibilities never seen before. Fostering international conversations is essential in the context of such developments. By sharing diverse perspectives and best practices, we can enrich landscape architecture education, encourage innovation and collaboration across borders, and advocate for a proper approach to landscape architecture. Indeed, regional differences play a crucial role, and they deserve not only to be nurtured but also confronted with the "others" to strengthen themselves without hindering the possibility of international mobility. 

The participation is free - everyone is invited to reserve a place by registering for the webinar at


Session I: 9:30 - 11:30 (GMT - London)

Institutional Perspectives on Landscape Architecture Education

9:30 - 9:35 Institutional welcome by IFLA

9:35 - 10:00 Günther Vogt, ETH Zurich

About education trends in ETH, Europe

10:00 - 10:25 Terrence Tan, National University of Singapore, Singapore

About education trends in NUS, Asia

10:25 - 10:50 Ellen Fetzer, Nürtingen-Geislingen University, ECLAS Immediate Past President

Building capacity for democratic landscape transformation

10:50 - 11:15 Ebru Özer, Florida International University, ASLA Education Immediate Past VP

About education trends in FIU and USA

11:15 - 11:30 Roundtable Discussion + Q&A

Moderated by Ebru Özer, Florida International University


Intermezzo: 11:30 - 12:00 (GMT - London)

11:30 - 12:00 Gareth Doherty, Harvard GSD

On Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagogy


Session II: 12:00 - 14:30 (GMT - London)

Landscape Architecture Studio Pedagogy

12:00 - 12:15 Alessandro Martinelli, Chinese Culture University, IFLA EAA Chair

Ideas and questions about a global pedagogy of landscape architecture

The IFLA GSP experience: Challenges for a global landscape academia

12:15 - 12:30 Şukran Şahin, Ankara University: The GSP - IFLA World Congress Charette

12:30 - 12:45 Wen-Shan Huang, Fu Jen Catholic University: The GSP - GLAC Charette

12:45 - 13:00 Amer Habibullah, King Abdulaziz University: The GSP - SSLA Charette

13:00 - 13:15 Michelle Meza, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico: The GSP Mexico Charette

13:15 - 13:45 Rosalea Monacella, Harvard GSD

Key findings of “Designing Landscape Architectural Education” research

13:45 - 14:30 Roundtable Discussion + Q&A

Moderated by Mahdi Khansefid, University of Tehran, IFLA SC WG Chair


You can download the program here.

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Symposium: Landscape as Architectu
to Nov 15

Symposium: Landscape as Architectu

Academy of Architecture

Start date: 13 November 2024 / 12:00

End date: 15 November 2024 / 18:30

4th Symposium of the Istituto di studi urbani e del paesaggio (ISUP)

organised by

  • Jonathan Sergison

  • João Nunes

  • João Gomes da Silva

with the support of

  • Mosè Cometta

  • and Enrico Sassi


Landscape architecture is a powerful tool for addressing issues that have generally been neglected in architectural research and practice until recently.

Innovative methodological approaches inherent to the multidisciplinary character of landscape architecture involve the consideration of time as a fundamental dimension in its conceptual framing, and a focus on exploring new ways of merging anthropic and natural systems rather than on the creation of new objects.

These characteristics may allow the transformative processes that are part of the continuous construction of human habitats to develop more ethical ways of engaging with and working towards the resolution of global issues.

In both practice and research, landscape architecture has produced new ideas
and activated processes that address contemporary challenges in innovative ways, with some exemplary results.

We call on all those who, as researchers and as professionals in practice, can communicate such experiences.

Moving away from the classical format of presenting practices’ work, individual projects or portfolios we invite contributions from designers, planners and researchers reflecting on how landscape architecture addresses the major challenges of our society and contributes to the production of contemporary space.

The symposium aims to explore the following issues

  • The approach of landscape architecture to climate change

  • Energy transition and energy landscapes

  • Water quality, availability and distribution

  • Social inequalities in access to water, food, space, and knowledge

  • Relation between the anthropic and the wild

  • Soil erosion and agricultural land abandonment. World hunger and productive capacity.

  • Mobility at all scales

  • Waste management and environmental contamination

  • Territorial continuity


Zoom Webinar Link

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IFLA at the World Urban Forum: Voices from the Cities Even
11:00 AM11:00

IFLA at the World Urban Forum: Voices from the Cities Even

Join IFLA at the World Urban Forum Building a One Health Future

The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) joined forces with the Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg as well as other leading organizations at the World Urban Forum 12 Egypt to explore the transformative potential of urban green infrastructure for healthier and more resilient cities. More here.

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IFLA at the World Urban Forum: Towards an International Landscape Convention - Rethinking Land Use
to Nov 6

IFLA at the World Urban Forum: Towards an International Landscape Convention - Rethinking Land Use

Calling all landscape architects, urban planners and sustainability enthusiasts!

Join us at the World Urban Forum 12 Egypt for a thought-provoking session on "Towards an International Landscape Convention - Rethinking Land Use".

Discover how an International Landscape Convention can transform our approach to urban development.

Connect with leading experts from the International Federation of Landscape Architects, the International Association of Horticultural Producers - AIPH, the International Society for Urban Health, the ISOCARP - International Society of City and Regional Planners, the World Green Infrastructure Network - WGIN and other global organizations.

Be part of the solution and contribute to building a more sustainable future for all.

More here.

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