SoGREEN Symposium On the Green Move
3:00 PM15:00

SoGREEN Symposium On the Green Move

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This event is organised by SoGreen umbrella organisation and a global stakeholder group that unites green industries - European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA), European Nursery stock Association (ENA), European Interior Landscaping Organisation (EILO), European Federation of Green Roof and Living Wall Associations (EFB), IFLA Europe, International Organisation for Natural Bathing Waters (IOB) and World Urban Parks (WUP).

Seven speakers from different countries representing SoGreen member organisations will speak about about 7 different aspects of the living green on Nature Based Solutions!

Ms Stefan Leiner, DG Environment, Head of Unit/Biodiversity will address the issue from the aspect of EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.
Ms Elena Visnar-Malinovska,DG Climate, Head of Unit/Adaptation, will speak about living in an increasingly hostile climate: what is the (climate adaptation) policy take and orientations?
Ms Sirpa Pietikainen, member of the European Parliament will address about the participants about the importance of urban and green infrastructure.
Ms Chantal van Ham, IUCN European Regional Office, EU Programme Manager for Nature Based Solution will give presentation on  Partnerships for Nature-based Solutions: towards a resilient and regenerative Europe.

For more information see .

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New European Bauhaus Collective Conference ‘Common Ground: Making the Renovation Wave a Cultural Project’
10:00 AM10:00

New European Bauhaus Collective Conference ‘Common Ground: Making the Renovation Wave a Cultural Project’


We are proud to invite you to a high-level New European Bauhaus Collective Conference ‘Common Ground: Making the Renovation Wave a Cultural Project’ which will take place online on 29 April 2021 from 10am to 4pm CET!

It is important that we have as many IFLA members participating as possible in order for Landscape Architects' voice to be heard!

Link to register for the event is here 

The event will aim to explore culture as a key driver of quality in the built environment. It will be an opportunity to debate how a holistic approach that considers and seeks to optimise drivers of sustainability, beauty and inclusiveness can contribute to design and achieve better living spaces, for the common good.

The conference will be opened by European Commission President, Ursula von der LEYEN, followed by keynotes speeches by Lionel DEVLIEGER, project leader at Rotor and Stine Marie JACOBSEN, a conceptual artist.

The New European Bauhaus reflects an ambition that is shared by many citizens and decision-makers, namely to make our built and living spaces more sustainable, beautiful and inclusive. A round table will bring together representatives from cities to discuss how local public authorities can translate this shared ambition into concrete initiatives and projects. 

A key part of the programme will consist of 11 break-out sessions, during which conference participants will be invited to discuss and express views on specific issues and challenges relating to the New European Bauhaus: education, quality, bio-sourced materials, sustainability, research, mobility, heritage, to name but a few. Outcomes of the debate will feed into the ongoing co-creation phase of the NEB initiative. 

IFLA EUROPE as NEB Collective partner will participate in two breakout sessions:

LAB 3/UNCOMMON GROUND: session on rural areas: Working with rural societies is critical to any re-thinking of our relationship with ecology. The urgent need to take stock of the complex and disturbing nature-cultural dynamics that are de-structuring the habitability of the planet is acutely understood in our varied and contested country-sides. This session will aim to discuss how design and philosophy can help to conceptualise and realise rural futures that are biodiverse, inclusive and innovative. Facilitated by ARENA and IFLA-Europe.

LAB 4/SEEING THE CITY AS A LANDSCAPE: How can cities become more integrative, and is there a way for them to rediscover their living base? This is one of the questions covered by this break-out session, with reference to various experiences, approaches and visions for the city of tomorrow. The idea of an ‘augmented landscape’ – adapting tomorrow’s urban and rural territories to climate challenges to meet the societal needs of a territory more in touch with its longstanding roots –is the subject for discussion regarding the future of European inhabited territories. Facilitated by IFLA-Europe.

For more information and the programme please visit IFLA Europe website

About NEBC
The New European Bauhaus Collective (NEBC) is a grouping of several pan-European organisations including IFLA EUROPE, representing architects, spatial planners, landscape architects, interior architects, engineers, designers, artists, educators and researchers of the built environment, and more broadly the cultural and creative sectors. NEBC is an official partner of the NEB initiative.

For more information contact Daniela at IFLA Europe

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Architect’21 Expo
to May 2

Architect’21 Expo

  • IMPACT Challenger Hall 1-3 Bangkok, (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
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Architect’21 Expo, the 34th edition of the ASEAN’s Largest Building Technology Exposition is set to organize under the theme “Refocus Heritage” to emphasize architectural heritage and its conservation. 

Providing opportunities to explore the latest trends and to source a wide range of architectural technology and building materials include door & window, finishes & decoration, home builder and construction, insurance, IoT technology, lighting & electrical appliances, safety & security, sanitary ware & kitchen from 758 companies worldwide.  Combined with a series of conferences, seminars, workshops, business matching and networking sessions, Architect’21 Expo is a comprehensive platform for the region’s building and construction industry. 

More information can be found here.

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Webinar on Urban Forestry and Nature-based thinking
5:30 PM17:30

Webinar on Urban Forestry and Nature-based thinking


"In celebration of World Landscape Architecture Month, the Environmental Landscape Studio Laboratory invites everyone to a webinar on Urban Forestry and Nature-based thinking with Prof. Cecil Konijnendijk, D.Sc. of the University of British Columbia.

The City and the Forest: Urban Forestry and Nature-Based Thinking as New Urban Paradigm will go live on ELSL Youtube Channel: and will be simultaneously shared on UPCA's FB page: on the 6th of April, Tuesday, at 5:30 pm."

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